Alright hiiii it's close to 5am and i just got back wahahahahahahah.
Those animal's round' Night Safari were pretty boring uhrg the only thrilling parts were the Halloween-special trails. I paid $22 bucks to get scared lmao.
Once we got outta the trails we headed straight to the gift shops and got masks of our own and had our own fun scaring people. *Stares at people as they walk pass you* They'll normally look away and at as if nothing happened while deep down they're spooked or act tuff and say, "Hello." Haha!
It was 1 in the morn by the time we got out. Damn. Transportation problems. Me, Wenkai, Zen and Weilun shared a cab and met up with the others at Plaza Sing. Shiaaat the fare costed us $30 awww damn.
Waited for an eternity before NR7 arrived and brought all of us back to Tampines or Bedok. Bedok for Wenkai and Weilun wahahah.
Poonie, Zen, Daniel, Shewee and Ah hei all alighted at their respective stops while Weiting, Xuanwei, Feifei, Klins, Brenna, some friend of Klins and i headed over to 400+ to have.... dinner/breakfast. Woah murtabak. Bloated ttm even till now.
The rest headed over to Klinsmann's while me and Xuanwei went over to Mac and chilled out.
Hella tired now. Chillz.