Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What if.

1. There was a maggot in your soup?
Eat the maggot.

2. You woke up and only mcdonalds and starbucks exist ?
Heck no. I need KFC.

3. Pokemon were real?
I'll quit school like Ash did and go on a Pokemon adventure.

4. You walked around your block naked?

5. The person of your dream was finally yours?
I'll give up television.

6. The world ends in 24 hours?
Then i'll wake up and stop dreaming.

7. You could have 3 wishes but you had 10 seconds to say them?
Wish i was rich. And + 30 mins for my next wish.

8. You could never die?
Eh awesome.

9. There was beauty pageants for men?
I'll go take part in one. And probably'd come out tops.

10. Models were short and fat instead of skinny and tall?
Well that'll be real cool.

11. We celebrated Halloween like a dark Christmas?
Well that's non of my business i celebrate neither Halloween nor Christmas.

12. Girls wore boxers and guys wore panties?
No space. :O

13. Santa, the easter bunny, and the toothfairy really exist?
Ehhh. Then Harry Potter would exist too~

14. Music could give you cancer?
Ditch all my MP4s and stuff.

15. Your parents arranged who you had to marry?
Uhhh. If that girl's pretty good lookin', WHY NOT HAHAHAHAH.

16. You could star as a character in your favorite cartoon?
What, Pokemon?

17. You got to try out on American Idol?
They'll prolly have to take me out coz i keep coming in first every season and it's unfair to the others.

18. Your parents were spies, superheros, or something cool when you are not home?
No chance. My mum is boring.

19. Your life or death depended on any game of your choice?
I'll play CS.

20. You became a parent 1 year from now?
Woah i'm 15 now and being a parent at 16 would be, brilliant.

21. There was a breakfast cereal named after you?
Ng Jing Heng Wheat Cereals. Eh what bullshit is that.

22. You could talk to inanimate objects?
If they replied, i would :P

23. There was 10 more 'What If' questions including this as one of them?
Well frankly i don't mind hahaha.

24. You were the only person in the world to have unlimited gas for your car?
Waaaa. I'll drive everywhere.

25. You woke up as your opposite gender?
Super hot.

26. With the snap of your fingers, any problem you would have could disappear?

27. It was against the law to eat more than one meal a day?
Screw that.

28. Someone considers all these answers to these questions as serious answers?
That he'll probably need to stop being so retarded.